As i said we’re following MDN Docs for django tutorial So according to that we’ll be following the same project to learn django deeply which is The Local Library Website.

In a simple language we will build a library website that will have some functionality like user can browse available books and manage their account.

first step

We will build simple website where people can simple browse through books and view their respective content like most of the reading website.

second step

We will then extend our website with more functionality like user can reserve the book. In order to include this functionality we will learn more advance stuff in django like handling forms and user authentication.

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key points

This website will also show some key points like showing the information about the books, copies of books, name of author, and other key information.

mdn github page for this tutorial

check here to view the code for this tutorial by mdn officially. I will also share my code later after completing the tutorial.

